
Frameworks, libraries, interesting new releases in the world of tech and programming. If this sounds good to you, you’re in the right place.
How to create an api from markdown files with Next.js thumbnail
Leonardo Petrucci
September 12, 2022

How to create an api from markdown files with Next.js

I've previously talked about how to read markdown files from Next.js' API routes. However, it was only recently, while improving some of my blog's logic, that I realised the true value of this technique. So here's a simple guide on how to create an incredibly powerful content API from your Markdown files and double your build speed while you're at it.

Next.js VS Create React App: Your choice going into 2023 thumbnail
Leonardo Petrucci
September 4, 2022

Next.js VS Create React App: Your choice going into 2023

According to the 2022 Stack Overflow survey, React has finally surpassed jQuery as the most used web framework. So while React undoubtedly still has a bright future ahead of it, a few questions remain unanswered with regards to how to best use React. One of the most popular debates is whether you should use Next.js vs Create React App, so here are my thoughts on the argument. Why do we need Next.js and Create React App

How to set up a modern terminal for developers thumbnail
Leonardo Petrucci
December 27, 2021

How to set up a modern terminal for developers

If you're a web developer, you probably spend a whole lot of time in your terminal. But, despite how fundamental terminals are for modern web development, they're incredibly minimal and limited with often quite bad UX. That's why I've spent no less than a couple of years perfecting this cross-platform guide to improving your terminal experience. And it's what I use every day for both personal and professional projects, so I know it works. It's by no means perfect, but it should be enough to get you started. Once you're done, your terminal should look something

How to store Access Tokens: Localstorage, Cookies or HttpOnly? thumbnail
Leonardo Petrucci
June 8, 2021

How to store Access Tokens: Localstorage, Cookies or HttpOnly?

Learning how to store access tokens is one of the most confusing parts of web development, especially when you're just starting out. This article is all about the do's - and don'ts - of storing Access Tokens, with easy, beginner friendly examples. Access tokens are a hugely important part of any web-app. They contain sensitive information about your user and if someone got their hands on one they would be able to pretend to be

How To Get a Job in Web Development 101 thumbnail
Leonardo Petrucci
May 20, 2021

How To Get a Job in Web Development 101

Finding your first web development job, be it for programming or design, is one of the hardest things you'll ever have to do. Obviously there's no exact science to it, but here's some advice from someone who had to go through it - and learned a lot along the way. About my experience and training For an article like this I think it's fairly important I give some background, so: hello! I'm Leonardo, a front-end developer in Glasgow, Scotland. This is my third software development job since finishing uni. I studied

Is Dispo Good? Will it survive the hype? A look at Dispo's future thumbnail
Evie Dillon-Riley
March 17, 2021

Is Dispo Good? Will it survive the hype? A look at Dispo's future

If you've had your ear to the ground in the app world, you'll have heard of David Dobrik's new retro-feel photography app Dispo. People are pretty excited about it, and rightfully so. But is the interface addictive enough? Will users be willing to wait until the next day to see their photos once the novelty wears off? And is Dispo good enough to rival Instagram? Let's take a look. What Makes Dispo Unique? Dispo's icon -

Build a serverless Prisma API for Vercel (example included!) thumbnail
Leonardo Petrucci
January 20, 2021

Build a serverless Prisma API for Vercel (example included!)

Do you have a great idea but aren't well versed in SQL and don't want to break the bank with a server and database? Then this guide is for you! You can set up a serverless API with Prisma and host it on Vercel for free. I've never been great with APIs. I work on the web and on mobile and front end is my thing. However, sometimes even if you're not a backend guy you might need to set up an API for a side project. While this can sound like a gargantuan task it doesn't need to be! I was struggling with the w

Animating page transitions in Next.js for Capacitor thumbnail
Leonardo Petrucci
December 18, 2020

Animating page transitions in Next.js for Capacitor

Capacitor is a fantastic solution to running web apps as native. Unfortunately it can also be quite hard to give your front-end that extra polish to make it look truly native. In this article we'll go over implementing page transitions in Capacitor and Next.js None of the examples in this article actually require you to use Capacitor, so if you're just looking to jazz up your Next.js app this article is

The One Font Pairing Tool You Need: Why We Love thumbnail
Evie Dillon-Riley
December 16, 2020

The One Font Pairing Tool You Need: Why We Love

Font pairing is a skill almost every kind of designer will have to use at some stage. But a lot of us weren't specifically trained in typography! So where do you start? Thankfully, Jack Qiao's fantastic AI-powered font pairing tool is a wealth of free inspo for amateurs and professionals alike. How Do You Us

How to return a 404 error in getServerSideProps with Next.js thumbnail
Leonardo Petrucci
October 25, 2020

How to return a 404 error in getServerSideProps with Next.js

After a lot of misunderstandings and frustration with the documentation on the Next.js docs I decided it might be worth explaining how to properly return a 404 error in getServerSideProps with Next.js. What's the problem with Next.js and its error pages? If you're reading this you're probably aware that Next.js has a fairly clear page about showing custom error pages. I suppose most people will be absolutely fine with the solutions provided